Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week!
April 19-25 is National Volunteer Week, and there is no better time to pause and recognize the selfless contributions of our extraordinary JA Volunteers who inspire and motivate us every day.
Throughout the week, we’ll be featuring JA Volunteers who go above and beyond to connect students with the learning experiences they need for an inspired and successful future.
Read JA Volunteer James Brooks’ Q&A with JA below!

James Brooks, Vice President, Senior Fiduciary Advisor, PNC
JA: How have you volunteered with JA and what compelled you to do so?
James: I have participated in both JA’s Finance Park and JA in a Day programs. I was first introduced to JA when I was in elementary school. I remember that day vividly. We learned what the word entrepreneur meant and built a pen factory, assembly line and all. It was fun, exciting and something that has stuck with me all these years. When I started working for my current employer, I was asked if would volunteer with a group of employees for the JA in a Day program. I jumped on the opportunity and shortly thereafter have been coordinating my organization’s local volunteer efforts with JA.
JA: What is the biggest personal benefit you receive as a JA volunteer?
James: As I mentioned, I still remember when JA came to my school. We were learning, but in a different way. It was hands-on and fun! It got me excited to learn more about business. I know that programs like JA can make all the difference in a kid’s life. It did for me. I feel that volunteering is giving a kid the same opportunity I received. And it’s fun! Kids say the silliest things!
JA: What is your favorite JA memory?
James: There was this one time I was volunteering at Finance Park. The students had built their budgets and were now shopping. One of the students had a large family and needed to purchase transportation for himself and his spouse. He emphatically declared “oh no, no one is taking a bus, we’ll get cars, we just may not eat”. It caught me off guard and he went on to explain, “The bus is always late and these kids have to go to bed on time”. It wasn’t what I was expecting and gave me a good chuckle.
JA: What do you wish more people knew about JA or what would you tell someone that is thinking about volunteering with JA?
James: JA is an organization that does good by teaching. It reminds me of the old saying, usually attributed to Confucius that goes something like "Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime." I tell volunteers that if you want to make a real difference in our communities, a good place to start is with our kids. Teaching our kids skills that stick with them is something JA has been doing for 100 years. Be a volunteer and you can be a part of that tradition.
JA: What advice would you give to the next generation?
James: Be innovative and don’t take the status quo as the only option. Use the skills you’ve developed throughout your education to make a difference and then be sure to give back.
Interested in hearing more inspiring stories from our JA Volunteers? Check out more spotlights below.
To learn how you can get involved with or support JA, send us an inquiry.