Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week!
April 19-25 is National Volunteer Week, and there is no better time to pause and recognize the selfless contributions of our extraordinary JA Volunteers who inspire and motivate us every day.
Throughout the week, we’ll be featuring JA Volunteers who go above and beyond to connect students with the learning experiences they need for an inspired and successful future.
Read JA Volunteer Robbie Mosley’s Q&A with JA below!

Robbie L. Mosley, COL Retired, U.S. Army
JA: How have you volunteered with JA and what compelled you to do so?
Robbie: As a community volunteer at JA Finance Park Fairfax County, I provide instructional assistance to middle school-aged students during their in-depth, experiential financial education (including the development of a personal budget, investment planning and taxation requirements). After being a parent volunteer, this opportunity highlighted the positive impact of conversing younger generations on the importance of financial management in their daily lives.
JA: What is the biggest personal benefit you receive as a JA volunteer?
Robbie: Beyond the interaction with our nation’s future leaders, this supports personal goals of giving back to the community and “teaching/mentoring” students on being responsible citizens.
JA: What is your favorite JA memory?
Robbie: It’s those hard choice moments and creative solutions by students grasping “needs” versus “wants” as part of being financially responsible during the development of their family budget. Some examples: 1) This life stinks… I can’t keep my two cars, so my spouse gets public transportation; 2) My spouse works part-time and needs to make more money. It makes no sense; 3) Can I take my friends on a vacation? They are broke and I have lots of money left in my budget; 4) I didn’t ask for kids— can my family watch them [for free]?; 5) Wait… this is wrong. I will have a college degree and make way more money than what this says.
JA: What do you wish more people knew about JA or what would you tell someone that is thinking about volunteering with JA?
Robbie: There is a deep commitment by the staff and organization in preparing our future generations in their leadership and personal responsibilities as American citizens. Volunteers are an integral piece and provide actual life experiences into the concepts and theories of daily living.
JA: What advice would you give to the next generation?
Robbie: Your current actions (or decisions) impact future options throughout your lifetime. Therefore, you should walk in knowledge, apply sound reasoning, and always be ready for challenges in reaching any goal.
Interested in hearing more inspiring stories from our JA Volunteers? Check out more spotlights below.
To learn how you can get involved with or support JA, send us an inquiry.